And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on earth."
Genesis 1:14-15

Seasonality and life experiences shape the mode of journey for travellers of all types, and are the key concepts behind different design elements highlighted in Mingle Place on the Wing.
天主説:「在天空中要有光體,以分別晝夜,作為規定時節和年月日的記號。 要在天空中放光,照耀大地!」事就這樣成了。

創世紀 1:14-15

季節與生命的經驗交織出不同旅者的風格 — 這是 Mingle Place on the Wing 設計上的意念。
天主説:「在天空中要有光体,以分别昼夜,作为规定时节和年月日的记号。 要在天空中放光,照耀大地!」事就这样成了。

创世纪 1:14-15

季节与生命的经验交织出不同旅者的风格 — 这是 Mingle Place on the Wing 设计上的意念。

Every floor has a cycle of life on its own.

The design of individual room type creates a horizontal experience of progression. Through the use and incorporation of diverse tones, styles and textures of materials, each room represents a stage of life : pure (coarse), character (triangle), knowledge (speed), and sophistication (feather). The unconventional and exciting design of these rooms provides depth to enrich the traveling experience.


透過房間的設計與用料把不同主題連接起來,橫向地展示出生命的演變。 不規則代表著純真、幾何代表了性格、速度代表了智識、羽毛代表熟練。 種種不平凡和動態的設計,突顯了旅途中一幕幕深刻的體會。


透过房间的设计与用料把不同主题连接起来,横向地展示出生命的演变。 不规则代表著纯真、几何代表了性格、速度代表了智识、羽毛代表熟练。 种种不平凡和动态的设计,突显了旅途中一幕幕深刻的体会。
Every floor has a seasonal condition of its own.

Each individual lift lobby portrays the nature and character of all seasons through a series of photographic artworks symbolizing burden free travel; from the cloudy and misty spring, to the clear and snowy winter. The lobby of every floor creates its own identity and a dialogue with the seasons enhancing your vertical experience throughout the hotel.

Mingle Place on the Wing provides a locale for travelers to enjoy an extraordinary journey through a series of transitions - from the outside world, to the expressive lobbies, and then to the inspired rooms. Welcome aboard and have a pleasant journey on The Wing.

— Clement Cheng, 2008

利用了一系列的照片與圖像,在樓層之間縱向地滲透出大自然與季節交替產生的和諧。 由雲霧中的春季,到雪景中的冬天,示意著旅途中無憂無慮的心情。

On the Wing 就是以這不平凡的姿態為旅行者提供舒適和獨特的體驗。 由外至內,從街上經過大堂進入房間,這正是愉快旅程不能缺少的一站!

— Clement Cheng, 2008

利用了一系列的照片与图像,在楼层之间纵向地渗透出大自然与季节交替产生的和谐。 由云雾中的春季,到雪景中的冬天,示意著旅途中无忧无虑的心情。

On the Wing 就是以这不平凡的姿态为旅行者提供舒适和独特的体验。 由外至内,从街上经过大堂进入房间,这正是愉快旅程不能缺少的一站!

— Clement Cheng, 2008